Terms of Service
Version 1.0 - Effective date: January 2018 - (Updated October 2019)
Article 1:
Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the legal relationship is governed by these general terms and conditions of which the customer declares to have made perfect acquaintance.
Article 2:
All our invoices are payable in cash unless a deadline has been mentioned on the invoice.
In addition, any order is payable as follows:
A first deposit equal to 40% of the agreed price for the goods at the signing of the order.
A second installment equal to 60% of the agreed price for the goods upon their delivery to unloading.
And the agreed price for labor at the end of the job at the latest.
The price of labor for additional work or work not included in the order is also payable at the end of the site at the latest.
Article 3:
The deadlines for delivery or execution of works are given only for information purposes.
The delivery of the goods or the provision of services at a date later than the date envisaged can never lead to the cancellation of the order or the termination of the contract, nor give right to any compensation whatsoever.
Article 4:
Goods transported to our facilities by or on behalf of the customer travel at the risk of the customer.
Article 5:
All repairs of damage caused to our work by the customer or by third parties, either during or after the execution can not be carried under our responsibility.
In addition, any damage to the site due to poor condition or dilapidated property under construction will in no case involve compensation, compensation or any refund from us.
Article 6:
In case of cancellation of the order or breach of contract, the customer will have a lump sum compensation set at 15% of the agreed price. When the work is already running, the amount due will be the price of the executed work increased by 15% of the price of the non-executed work. In addition, the amount of compensation can never be less than the agreed price for goods already produced or being manufactured.
Article 7:
In the absence of payment in cash or in the event of non-payment at the due date, the amount of the invoice will carry by right and without notice any one, an interest of 10% the year as from the billing date or, if applicable, from the due date.
In addition, failing payment within fifteen days of a formal notice by registered mail, our invoices will be increased by a conventional increase of 15% as lump sum and irreducible damage with a minimum of 100.00 €.
Article 8:
In case of impossibility, bankruptcy or other modification of the legal situation of the customer, we reserve the right to consider the contract as automatically canceled.
Article 9:
Claims relating to the delivery of the goods must be sent by registered letter with reasoned acknowledgment of receipt within a period of EIGHT days from the delivery of the goods.
Complaints relating to the execution of the works must also be sent by registered letter with reasoned acknowledgment of receipt within a period of EIGHT days from the end of the work.
These claims do not suspend the payment obligation.
In the case of supply and / or non-compliant or defective placement, our liability will be limited to simply replacing the party who is the subject of the claim and this without any additional compensation of any kind whatsoever.
Article 10:
Any remarks or restrictions relating to invoicing and / or the conditions contained therein, must be sent to us by registered letter with reasoning within EIGHT days of the invoice date.
Article 11:
All goods that are not fully paid remain in their entirety the property of our company in derogation of article 1583 of the Civil Code.
The installments eventually paid will be used to compensate costs and loss of earnings, without prejudice to other possible compensation.
Article 12:
For any dispute less than or equal to € 1,840.00, the courts of Justice of Peace of the cantons of Mons are only competent. For any higher sum, the courts of the Judicial District of Mons are alone